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Configure and customize Hinode to your liking using modules, npm, and mounted folders.

As a theme for Hugo, Hinode is highly configurable and customizable. Hinode utilizes Hugo modules to provide a flexible and extensible modular framework. In addition, Hinode supports npm to automate several tasks related to development and deployment. The below paragraphs explain the key concepts.

Hugo modules

Hinode fully supports Hugo modules to provide a flexible and extensible modular framework. These modules provide one or more of the seven component types defined in Hugo: static, content, layouts, data, assets, i18n, and archetypes. Powered by Go modules, Hugo verifies if a module is up-to-date and downloads the latest release if needed. This approach is compatible with any repository hosted on GitHub and is not exclusive to Hugo modules only.

Hinode uses Hugo modules to provide a flexible and extensible modular framework. Modules can be fully integrated into the main site or be included on a page-by-page basis. Core modules are fully integrated with the site’s stylesheet and bundled JavaScript files. The stylesheet and scripts of optional modules are loaded on a specific page only to minimize overhead. Refer to the modules section for more details.

Mounted folders

Hugo supports the mounting of folders since version 0.56.0. Hinode takes advantage of this feature to create a virtual file system, combining assets from multiple sources. Many of the predefined Hinode modules use mounted folders to expose relevant content and to standardize the folder structure. Take a look at the configuration of Hinode’s Bootstrap module. The configuration uses the repository github.com/twbs/bootstrap as module source and exposes the SCSS files and bundled JavaScript file. These files are combined with the module’s own files defined in the assets folder.

    source = 'assets'
    target = 'assets'
    path = "github.com/twbs/bootstrap"
    source = "dist/js"
    target = "assets/js/modules/bootstrap"
    includeFiles = "*.bundle.js"
    source = "scss"
    target = "assets/scss/modules/bootstrap"

npm packages

Hinode supports npm packages in addition to Hugo modules. These packages provide scripts to automate several tasks related to testing and deployment. Several Hinode modules use npm behind the scenes to tacke some of the constraints of Hugo modules (see module development for more details). Both the main theme and template packages of Hinode are defined in the file package.json in the repository root. The extract below defines the key elements of the package configuration. The name is a unique identifier to identify the package on npm. The version tag uses semantic versioning, consisting of a MAJOR version, MINOR version, and PATCH version.

The other two sections of interest are devDependencies and otherDependencies. As an Hugo theme, Hinode does not require any packages in production. However, Hinode defines several scripts that simplify or automate several tasks, such as linting, testing, and purging of stylesheets. The Hugo binary is installed as version-controlled dependency too. This ensures the build process is transparent and traceable, which simplifies debugging. Please refer to the commands section to review the various npm commands available.

    "name": "@gethinode/hinode",
    "version": "0.16.0",
    "scripts": {
        "lint:markdown": "markdownlint-cli2 \"*.md\" \"content/**/*.md\"",
    "devDependencies": {
        "hugo-bin": "^0.111.0",
        "markdownlint-cli2": "^0.8.1",
    "hugo-bin": {
        "buildTags": "extended"
Last updated: July 20, 2023 • Update modules links (0b7e0db)