Use extensible Sass files to generate the stylesheets for your website.
Hinode uses Sass files to take advantage of variables, maps, and functions to generate the cascading style sheets of the website. By utilizing Hugo modules, Bootstrap’s source Sass file are automatically ingested and kept up to date.
Hinodes uses Hugo modules and mounted folders to create a flexibile virtual file system that is automatically kept up to date. Review the overview for a detailed explanation. The build pipeline of the stylesheet consists of six steps.
Initialize the Sass variables
Hugo v0.109.0 introduced a convenient way to initialize Sass variables from your templates. Hinode initializes several variables in the file layouts/partials/head/stylesheet.html
. For example, the primary theme color is available as $primary
Define the Sass entrypoint
The main entrypoint for the Sass files is defined in assets/scss/app.scss
. It supports Hugo templating. For example, the snippet below conditionally imports font face definitions when using a local font path.
{{ if (not (hasPrefix (lower "http")) }}
@import "theme/fonts.scss";
{{ end }}
Import the Sass files of core modules
Hinode automatically adds the content of each core module’s Sass entrypoint to a virtual copy of the assets/scss/app.scss
file, unless they are referenced in the excludeSCSS setting. Hinode expects a file assets/scss/{MODULE NAME}.scss
for each core module. The referenced files are usually placed in assets/scss/modules/{MODULE NAME}/
Override and expand the Sass configuration
The import order of the source files defines which variables and functions to use. In Sass, the first definition of a variable or function takes precedence. For example, to override the setting for the variable $primary
, is needs to be defined prior to Bootstrap’s definition in _variables.scss
Transpile the Sass files
The partial partials/head/stylesheet.html
reads the application entrypoint, configures the node_modules
folder as import path, and transpiles the stylesheet into a single file main.css
. In production mode, the output is minified and linked to with a fingerprint.
Link to the stylesheet in the base layout
Hinode’s base layout layouts/_default/baseof.html
imports the generated stylesheet in the header section of the webpage via the partial layouts/partials/head/head.html
The below Sass file defines a skeleton configuration for the main entrypoint. The full configuration is defined in assets/scss/app.scss
// 1) Define template variables (linking to Hugo config)
@import "hugo:vars";
// 2) Include default variable overrides
@import "common/variables.scss";
// 3) Import Bootstrap configuration (mounted by core Bootstrap module)
@import "bootstrap.scss";
// 4) Import Hinode theme styles
@import "components/blockquote.scss";
// 5) Import custom theme fonts and styles
@import "theme/fonts.scss";
@import "theme/theme.scss";
// 6) Import Bootstrap utilities API (mounted by core Bootstrap module)
@import "modules/bootstrap/utilities/api";
// 7) Import additional modules
// Process stylesheet entrypoints for each configured module (w/o excludeSCSS)
Hinode processes the Sass files that are part of an optional module one at a time. The entrypoint of each module is expected to be found in assets/scss/{MODULE NAME}.scss
. The transpiled output is included on a page-by-page basis.