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Use the alert shortcode to display a contextual feedback message.


Use the alert shortcode to display a contextual feedback message. The inner content is used as alert text.

{{< alert color="danger" >}}
    A simple danger alert—check it out!
{{< /alert >}}


The shortcode supports the following arguments:

colorNoOptional theme color of the alert, either “primary” (default), “secondary”, “success”, “danger”, “warning”, “info”, “light”, “dark”, “white” or “black”.
dismissibleNoOptional flag to indicate the alert is dismissible, defaults to false.
iconNoOptional class and name of a Font Awesome icon to include. The icons use the icon shorthand notation.


Change the style of your accordion with arguments.

Colored alert

As an example, the following shortcodes displays a simple alert for each theme color.

{{< alert color="primary" >}}
    A simple primary alert—check it out!
{{< /alert >}}

{{< alert color="secondary" >}}
    A simple secondary alert—check it out!
{{< /alert >}}

{{< alert color="success" >}}
    A simple success alert—check it out!
{{< /alert >}}

{{< alert color="danger" >}}
    A simple danger alert—check it out!
{{< /alert >}}

{{< alert color="warning" >}}
    A simple danger warning it out!
{{< /alert >}}

{{< alert color="info" >}}
    A simple info alert—check it out!
{{< /alert >}}

{{< alert color="light" >}}
    A simple light alert—check it out!
{{< /alert >}}

{{< alert color="dark" >}}
    A simple dark alert—check it out!
{{< /alert >}}

Dismissible alert

As an example, the following shortcode displays a dismissible alert.

{{< alert color="danger" dismissible="true" >}}
    A dismissible alert—check it out!
{{< /alert >}}

Alert with icon

As an example, the following shortcode displays an alert with an icon. The icon is resized to size 2x and pulled to the left by default.

{{< alert color="danger" icon="fas triangle-exclamation" >}}
    An illustrated alert—check it out!
{{< /alert >}}