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Use the card shortcode to display a card that links to a content page.


Use the card shortcode to display a card that links to a content page. When using a rich layout, the card includes a thumbnail (or icon) and a header. As an example, the following shortcode displays a horizontal card that links to the editing guide. It includes a custom header and footer.

{{< card path="editing" header="publication" footer="tags" orientation="horizontal" class="col-sm-12 col-lg-8 mx-auto" >}}


The shortcode supports the following arguments:

pathYesRequired path of the page.
classNoOptional class attribute of the card element, e.g. “w-50”.
colorNoOptional theme color of the card, either “primary”, “secondary”, “success”, “danger”, “warning”, “info”, “light”, “dark”, “white”, “black”, “body”, or “body-tertiary”. By default, no color is specified.
paddingNoOptional padding of the content, either “0”, “1”, “2”, “3”, “4”, “5”, or “auto” (default).
headerNoOptional header components of the card, displayed in small caps. Supported values are “full” (default), “publication”, “tags”, and “none”.
footerNoOptional footer components of the card, displayed in small caps. Supported values are “full”, “publication”, “tags”, and “none” (default).
orientationNoOptional placecement of the thumbnail, either “stacked” (default), “horizontal”, or “none”.


Change the style of your card with class attributes and shortcode arguments.

Colored cards

Use the color argument to set the background color of the card. As an example, the following shortcodes display a plain card for each available color. The cards are embedded in a grid. The final two cards with the color body and body-tertiary are color-mode aware.

<div class="container-fluid p-4 px-xxl-0">
    <div class="row row-cols-2 row-cols-sm-3 row-cols-lg-4 g-2 g-lg-3">
        <div class="col">{{< card color="primary" path="button" header="none" orientation="none" >}}</div>
        <div class="col">{{< card color="secondary" path="button" header="none" orientation="none" >}}</div>
        <div class="col">{{< card color="success" path="button" header="none" orientation="none" >}}</div>
        <div class="col">{{< card color="danger" path="button" header="none" orientation="none" >}}</div>
        <div class="col">{{< card color="warning" path="button" header="none" orientation="none" >}}</div>
        <div class="col">{{< card color="info" path="button" header="none" orientation="none" >}}</div>
        <div class="col">{{< card color="light" path="button" header="none" orientation="none" >}}</div>
        <div class="col">{{< card color="dark" path="button" header="none" orientation="none" >}}</div>
        <div class="col">{{< card color="white" path="button" header="none" orientation="none" >}}</div>
        <div class="col">{{< card color="black" path="button" header="none" orientation="none" >}}</div>
        <div class="col">{{< card color="body" path="button" header="none" orientation="none" >}}</div>
        <div class="col">{{< card color="body-tertiary" path="button" header="none" orientation="none" >}}</div>

Custom header

Use the header argument to customize the contents of the card.

<div class="container-fluid p-4 px-xxl-0">
    <div class="row row-cols-2 row-cols-sm-3 row-cols-lg-4 g-2 g-lg-3">
        <div class="col">{{< card path="editing" header="full" orientation="none" >}}</div>
        <div class="col">{{< card path="editing" header="publication" orientation="none" >}}</div>
        <div class="col">{{< card path="editing" header="tags" orientation="none" >}}</div>
        <div class="col">{{< card path="editing" header="none" orientation="none" >}}</div>

Use the footer argument to customize the contents of the card.

<div class="container-fluid p-4 px-xxl-0">
    <div class="row row-cols-2 row-cols-sm-3 row-cols-lg-4 g-2 g-lg-3">
        <div class="col">{{< card path="editing" header="none" footer="full" orientation="none" >}}</div>
        <div class="col">{{< card path="editing" header="none" footer="publication" orientation="none" >}}</div>
        <div class="col">{{< card path="editing" header="none" footer="tags" orientation="none" >}}</div>
        <div class="col">{{< card path="editing" header="none" footer="none" orientation="none" >}}</div>

Image placement

Use the orientation argument to customize the placement of the card’s thumbnail or icon.

{{< card path="editing" header="none" footer="none" orientation="stacked" class="col-sm-12 col-lg-6 mx-auto mb-3" >}}
{{< card path="button" header="none" footer="none" orientation="stacked" padding="3" class="col-sm-12 col-lg-6 mx-auto mb-3" >}}
{{< card path="editing" header="publication" footer="tags" orientation="horizontal" class="col-sm-12 col-lg-8 mx-auto" >}}
{{< card path="button" header="publication" footer="tags" orientation="horizontal" padding="3" class="col-sm-12 col-lg-8 mx-auto" >}}

Custom styling

Use the class argument to customize the styling of the card. The folllowing example applies the style card-feature to apply a color gradient to the card’s icon. The style also applies an adaptive background color.

{{< card path="button" header="none" footer="none" padding="3" class="col-sm-12 col-lg-8 mx-auto card-feature" >}}

The style is defined in the theme.scss file, which is transpiled into the site’s stylesheet.

.card-feature {
    background-color: var(--bs-light) if($enable-important-utilities, !important, null);

.card-feature div i {
    background: linear-gradient(135deg, tint-color($primary, 80%) 0%, $primary 100%);
	-webkit-background-clip: text;
	background-clip: text;
	-webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;