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Use the map shortcode to show an interactive map.


Use the map shortcode to show an interactive map, powered by [Leaflet][leaflet]. The shortcode is a simplified wrapper of the Leaflet library that provides basic functionality. As an example, the following shortcode displays an interactive map of the city of Amsterdam.

  {{< map lat=52.377 long=4.90 popup="Amsterdam Central Station" popup-lat=52.378062 popup-long=4.900562 >}}


The shortcode supports the following arguments:

idNoOptional unique id of the map element, e.g. leaflet-map-1.
classNoOptional class attribute of the inner panel element, defaults to ratio ratio-16x9 w-100 mx-auto.
latNoLatitude of the map center, defaults to 52.377.
longNoLongitude of the map center, defaults to 4.90.
zoomNoInitial map zoom level between 1 (minimum zoom) - 18 (maximum zoom), defaults to 13.
popupNoOptional text of a popup marker.
popup-latNoLatitude of the popup marker.
popup-longNoLongitude of the popup marker.


Change the location and style of your map with shortcode arguments.

Zoom level

Set the zoom to a value of 1 to display a world map. The map is centered on Europe by default, adjust the lat and long values to set a different center.

{{< map zoom=1 >}}

Center coordinates

Specify the map center by providing lat and long values. Add a marker to the map by specifying a popup text and popup-lat and popup-long coordinates. The following example display the city center of Amsterdam and adds a marker for the central train station.

{{< map lat=52.377 long=4.90 popup="Amsterdam Central Station" popup-lat=52.378062 popup-long=4.900562 >}}


Assign a specific identified to the map by setting the id argument. The following example displays a map for the city of London with a unique id.

{{< map id="leaflet-map-london" lat=51.505 long=-0.09 zoom=10 >}}
Last updated: July 21, 2023 • Add leaflet map (9cb9a37)